Saturday, May 11, 2013


I have a couple updates about blood:

Remember a few weeks ago when I talked about Capper getting his blood drawn? Well the bad news was that the tests confirmed he is, indeed, still anemic. The GOOD news is that it is just the "normal" type of anemia, iron-deficiency anemia. We've been giving him iron supplements since he had blood drawn at 12 months old which first diagnosed the anemia. The more recent bloodwork showed that his body is responding to the supplementation at a very SLOW rate. So, nothing more to do except keep giving him supplements and being thankful that there isn't a bigger problem.

Anellah had blood drawn last week because it seemed like she hadn't been eating much lately. Decreased appetite is a sign of worsening liver function. Thankfully her hepatologist (liver doctor) was able to provide us labslips so that we could have blood drawn here in Oakland just to check things out. Anellah was a CHAMP as always, but this time she was even a BIGGER champ because she sat perfectly still and didn't cry a single peep (the lollipop in her other hand was good incentive for that). The phlebotomist distracted her by counting with her and she counted to FIFTY almost independently! The results of the tests came back a few days later and, although they were abnormal, they were not significantly different than her typical results. This is good news!

And lastly, I gave blood this week and didn't have any problems with it. I chalk that up to drinking LOTS of water and juice ahead of time and eating a lot the rest of the day. In the past I haven't had great experiences giving blood so I'm happy it was a success this time around.

No updates as far as Daniel's blood is concerned. Except maybe that he's had cuts on his hands lately from working on his car a lot.

It's time for me to sign off since I'm leaving in 15 minutes to go camping! The kids and I are headed to Yosemite with our friends and Daniel will join us tomorrow. 

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