Wednesday, May 22, 2019

"You need to blog again." "Post something, even just some pictures." "I want to hear about your life." I've been hearing it for awhile, and feeling it too. It's time to start again. But how to even begin when it's been so long? When so much life has passed? Do I summarize the last few years? Or start with today and move forward, as if that time will somehow remain a memory,  knowing full well my memories fade all too quickly? This blog, it's as much for me as for you, I want to remember this life, these seasons, the trials and the joys in years to come.

This morning I was up at 5:10am, it's how we roll around here. That hour and a half of calm before the storm, I can't bear to give it up! And it's farm life, right? (Not that I do my chores that early). This time of year is perfect, the sun is rising and the birds are already chirping...soon that sun and those birds will be up even earlier and we won't enjoy them quite so much. But for now, for this morning, it's lovely. I so enjoy looking out our many windows, the ewes and lambs grazing, the chickens beginning their morning strut around the fields, and Steve, our ram, already taking his morning nap. Soon the fields will be alive with the energy of four piglets, running, playing, eating, and then crashing out for naps of their own.

I work from home, still for the company I worked for in California. It's the perfect job. Not forever, but for now. Two days a week our incredible babysitter loves on our kids all day, making sure the bigs catch the bus from her house and return to her in the afternoon for a snack and playtime before I pick them up. Two days a week I am "Mom" for most of the day but furiously work away during afternoon naptime for the littles. Fridays I work in the morning for a few hours and during naptime as Daniel works four-10's and is home on Fridays. It's become quite a nice rhythm, mundane is good during this season. I shudder to think about how all the fun of summer vacation will affect our lovely little schedule but the beauty is, my hours are flexible and we'll be able to make anything work.

The serenity hour (and a half) is up and I hear stirring upstairs. I'll look forward to touching base soon and updating you on more about Royal Acres.

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