Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Life's Hike

Today was a 10 steps backwards kind of a day. There were quite a few steps forward, Capper came back jazzed after his 10 day vacation with Gramps to Canada!! I had a successful day of work. We went to AWANA (which is always fun for the kids, exhausting for the adults). But we also found out we didn't pass our foster care license renewal. And we found out that a rental home we own, which flooded during Hurricane Harvey, which we've invested plenty of money in to renovate after this incident...flooded again today. But it's just money right? It's just stuff, right?

I read a blog post about a dear friend struggling with cancer today too.

I worked with families who are struggling with mental illness today too.

I am sure I drove past individuals who are desperate to pay bills and make ends meet.

And I am here. I am warm. I am fed. My sweet, SWEET, children are tucked in their cozy beds. My husband sits upstairs, and he is faithful. He will never leave us or our family. He will faithfully get up and go to work tomorrow long before the sun rises. And the sun WILL rise...a new day...maybe a 10 steps forward day, maybe not. But regardless of what the day brings and whether or not I feel "blessed" or "cursed" or somewhere in between, I still have plenty to be thankful for. And I still have the joys (and tears) of four amazing children to remind me that life may not be easy but we can still laugh and have fun. So I'll get up in the morning (and likely 5 times during the night if the last few nights are any indicator) and I'll build our community. Our community of 6 in this home...I'll have a friend over for lunch who is learning how to cope with the chronic illness of a child...I'll meet with other moms to fervently pray for our children and the school they attend...and I'll remind myself, be not discouraged. We have plenty to be thankful for!

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