Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 4

Anellah's recovery from surgery has encountered some problems.  Saturday night she was unable to keep anything down, this continued through Sunday evening.  Although there isn't any blood coming up, which is great, no one really has any idea why this is happening.

At this point we are waiting for her ability to eat and drink to return before we try to escape the clutches of Spokane into the clutches of Seattle.

Making the most of the facilities with Gram and Gramps

I (Daniel) am eager to miss less work and get Anellah into a more restful environment. Unfortunately this is just the beginning, this is something we've been sadly anticipating.  Anellah will be going through other surgeries while waiting for a liver transplant, a shunt to relive pressure by bypassing her liver (diverting blood flow around the liver to relieve pressure, not a healthy option) but hopefully no more burst varices.  Thankfully we live near family, great medical care, and everything we need.  But all of that pales in comparison to all the variables that are only in God's control.

Capper has Barry Manilow- Can't Smile Without You on repeat in his brain.  But he's loving Gram time.

On a side note it's freezing here!  Thankfully it hasn't been super-snowy so Anellah hasn't missed out on anything she was really looking forward to.  Gram and Gramps have been controlling and entertaining Capper at their cabin and Evelyn is being her usual easy-going self, tagging along with mommy everywhere.

Anellah faking happy for a picture.

Anellah actually happy (apparently balloons help, thanks Olsons!)

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