Friday, December 5, 2014

Serenity Hour

It's 1:18pm and I'm in the serenity hour. That's what I call the time when I've run my morning errands and the littles are finally down for a nap and the bigger one hopefully earned her TV show and I stop...and breathe...and look around and wonder where to start. Usually I start with chocolate. Sometimes I spend the hour getting the house back in order but I try not to. I try to just spend a little time doing something that I can't do when there's noise and chaos and mouths to feed and zippers to zip and hands to keep busy. Often that means returning emails or making phone calls but today is Friday so I'm spending it with a special cup of my favorite tea...and nothing else. I'll think and pray a bit and sip my tea.

In about 8 minutes I'll move on to unloading the dishwasher and prepping breakfast and bundling up to crawl under the house and retrieve the stash of "wild" chicken eggs I discovered under there last night but until then I'll just sit and watch the rain out the window. What a difference 8 minutes of quiet makes.

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