Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Standing in the entryway
"No arsenic detected." Of course it sounds good to you, but to us it's like a song. The first well, the well that took MONTHS to drill, the well that was 8 times deeper than planned, the well that we almost gave up on, THAT well has good water! We waited over a week for the 5 minute water test to be resulted because the lab was backlogged. That seems to be how everything had been we wait.

The building permits, the ones we paid to have expedited, they are still pending...every once in awhile the status gets updated...but we are a week away from 5 months since they were submitted.

One well completed, time to bore under a stream and under a road, and across our entire property, and hook it up to...our NEIGHBOR'S house! Yes, that's right, this was just for them since their existing well is part of an easement on our property.

I dreaded the second well...after the trial of the first...the depth of the first...the suspense of the first...and having to answer the question of, "Any progress on the well??" which was usually, "No." And then it happened. I almost forgot to look. He moved the drill rig...we waited awhile...he got some pipe...we waited awhile...and then the bottles were sitting there. Two beautiful (actually dirty) bottles sitting in the grass...WATER SAMPLES! The second well is only 40 feet deep and a plentiful source. The water for our HOME has been accessed. Tomorrow at 7:00am I will bring the water samples to the lab. They need to go in within 24 hours so the bacteria count isn't affected...and if the bacteria is low and the arsenic is low, we are on to the next step.

So in the meantime we do what we can. A bit of silt fence, a bit of tree trimming, color choices, siding choices, roof choices, hardware choices, and toilet choices to name a few. It's hard to get excited when the waiting has felt so long but it's starting to get real now.


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